this few wks is all bout
test,Test,TEST!!!! however, next wk will be HOLIDAY!
jus finish lookin at o skool webby.
feel like joinin their street jazz. cos its damn cool! =Dnothing make mi look forward to skool each day.simply ZERO!
currently feeling exhuasted but gona start my human anatomy and physiology [HAP] revision. ='(
ok. i wan to learn to cook delicious food! haha.. sounds so random. =p
i am craving for BEN & JERRY choco mint!! and bubble tea as well. =D
im ending.
" never say die" energy.
EMO-ING. this is an artistic pic taken by surely.
things will oweas be fine when with them. =)
ah gu gu keith.. xp
tryin to squeeze!!!
simply miss them truck loads. =D oh anyway i join my skool AS main comm.. so im hungry fer votes at the moment. hhaaha.. =D ok. she was shocked tht we celebrate it fer her..=)
and her birthday marked our VERI FIRST KLASS OUTING.=p usual stuff.. cream on the bird day girl.
this is so comical. ^^ dinner at KFC with my CRAZY bunch of frens. =D
aint my bro preeti?? haha..
early in the morning it rains..
this few days im quite exhuasted.. doin no y..
there seems to be endless of revision to do.. lolx.. =p
today maths lecture was kinda boring becos the lecturer was teaching Log, which i learn before..
thn alex who sit a distance away from mi msg and ask mi on my bluetooth becos he got sumthin to send mi.. lolx..
and he send mi this....
"master piece in 5sec" by ALEX.
masterpiece by mi.. =)
this is a picture not drawing. -_- (he thot i 3yr old kids la)
today end skool pretti early.. we end at 3.. early dismissal becos our APEL teacher say go home study for the biochemistry test instead.. haha.. =D
suddenly so sick of skool.. haha..
becos got quite a no. of surprise test. =( arggh..
and is like there is too much thing in my brain tht i seems to remember nth!! lolx..
oh no~ how am i suppose to remember every single thing in one topic the lecturer teach in 1hrs.. haiyo.. they simply testing our mind capacity la.
ok. enuff grumbling of skool work.
i think i decided to join ASc main comm. its Applied sci skool study club.. mind you its not a club where everyone meet after skool to study!!! it is a club which organise event!! =D
after lookin at particular person blog, i feel like cookin.. haha..
bakin and cookin seems to be the IN thing now.. =D
ok. i shall try one day. =)haha..
oh there is this indian lecturer whom i REALLI don understand what she toking about. in the end mi and my frens went to library to self-study.. =D haha
thn slowly those ppl in lt also cum to library.. lolx..
so sian.. its not becos i got nth to do, but is tht i got too much thing to do.. haha..
Your Birthdate: September 28
You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.
Your strength: Your bold approach to life
Your weakness: You don't accept help
Your power color: Bronze
Your power symbol: Pyramid
Your power month: October
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
wohoo.. tis is my click in klass.. haha.. sometimes too tire and sian until we can get veri high lor.. jus like wk 0. =D anyway.. skool sux man.. the link up system seriously cmi lor.. cos out of three Lt onli one is live. the other two is using link-up sys.. sian sian.. sometime lecturer mumble to himself lor.. haiyo.. and its like oh no~ cos i got no bio background. thn the whole thing is like PROTEIN,CELLS,TISSUE... BLAH BLAH BLAH.. omg.. protein is making mi crazy.. hehe.. hmm.. i also don no wad cca to join.. =( kkz. end here. =)
back to blog. haha.. lolx..
ok.. this stoopid thing is simply stubborn. cos whenever i try to upload picture up, the post cant be publish. -_-
anyway.. fri jus went for movie screening at the triangle organised by ASc. it was damn cool..
becos of tht im motivated to join ASc.. haha.. see how la.
during the CCA fair, i signed up dragon boat and tpsu. however, i think i will quit both eventualli.. hehe.. =p
thn sunday when to see dog.. but but my mummy don allow mi to buy.. sianz... i realli realli wan to adopt one leh.. hmm..
monday lesson onli last for one and a half hr.. wohoo~ cos no lab..
so we go makan makan and go student lounge..guess wad we do there.....
we play tht photo hunt thingy.. haha.. but no matter how hard to try we still cant break the tpsu score.. lolx..
thn we proceed to the library project room.. ok its kind of a bonding session there.. haha.. cos we play true or dare ma.. then get to noe more bout my klassmate..
anyway.. ard 3+ i went home le.. cos don feel like gg tm wit them.. =x
today is a public holiday..
actualli wanted to meet KAistor in the nite fer movie de...
but neva.. =)
in the end i rot at home!!!!!!!lolx..
do hw and slp lor.
kk.. i shall end my crap here.. xp
Name: jOcelyn
Skool:pei ying pri,pasir ris pri, loyang sec, tpjc[pae],tp(applied sci skool)
[[`*My Adores]]
basketbal,shoppin.beach;walkin in the RAIN,stars
handfone>DIARY.teddy bear..=)
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