today my dance lesson was intensive!! my god..leg aching now.. we started at 7pm and end at 10pm.. out of the 3hr, 2hr is on pointe.. i pity my toe! lol.. anyway, this coming week is busy busy!!!
MONDAY : going skool for project meeting
meeting secondary skool frens for dinner =)
TUESDAY: lantern festival.. this means tht its family day.
WEDNESDAY: outing with my poly clique.
THURSDAY: going interview.
FRIDAY: its my day. =)
this are the photos for the asc refresh ytd. =)
today i had my asc retreat..
its all about getting wet.. becos we play the final clash.. so basically the sub-comm is suppose to attack the main-comm with water bomb.. the whole scene was hilarious. cos that was no more plastic left, so desperately, ppl soak the newspaper in the water.
i was super wet.. haha.. two sub-comm team got to attack each other at the end. instead, we went to throw those bucket of water at the main comm.. =D lol..
everyone gather together..thn leslie said he had make a reservation with the uncle at techno. and mind you, techno is a kopitiam.. so everyone started to laugh their head off.. have u heard before ppl making reservation at kopitiam.. lolx.. tht was joke of the day.. =)
so all the sub comm headed to the sports complex to wash up. thn we went up to the student activity room to meet up with the main comm.. help them to pack the logistic stuff..
thn we wait for the main comm to go bathe.. goosh.. they take forever to appear infront of us.. XD
becos we are suppose to break fast with the muslim, we take our time to walk to techno.
after dinner, i went to meet my frens..
*drawin of the structure by mi =)
oh man.. actually i don really feel alot for Tbo2. but come to think about it, we do share alot of memories..
feeling so wrong now..
some ppl is feeling ecstatic, whereas the rest is feeling miserable..
today everyone got back their result.. its earlier than expected..
when everyone is anticipating anxiously, im in my lalaland.. reason being im super tire to even wait by the side of my phone.. 10mins past..i woke up by the vibration of my phone. its grace calling.. im only half awake by then..her words woke me up completely, "so how is ur result?" OMG! totally forget about it.. without further a do, i open my msg.. becos i got a D, the whole thing became a smiley face [ :D] as im using sony ericsson phone. lolx..
i've got 1A 2B+ 1C 1 D+
quite disappointed actually. =)
after toking to alot of ppl thn i found out tht quite a no. of ppl got >3.5 for GPA.. my god. how in the world they study???!!
meanwhile, found out quite a few of my frens did not do well..
so it was all about congratulating and consoling.
went to candy empire. [so sad the gummy bear is out of stock =( ]
thn we went into Toys R uS.. haha..
oops. caught on tv.. lol..
OMG! im so fascinated with this shopwhen i was in thailand. its cal BUILD A BEAR. look at the no. of varieties of clothes for those teddy bear.. hehe..
so cute.... =D
NINE years.. still counting... =)
she knows mi .
L.O.V.E her
both of us indulge a craving for ice cream, so we went Haagen Daz. =) this is my fav RUM & RASIN n RASBERRY SORBET!!
her brownie delight..
the satisfaction.. XD
haiz.. feeling so down now..
i was home for the whole day. so dead. i deliberately woke up damn late [like 1.30pm?!]
thn help my mom to buy sumthing. watch tv all the way till 6pm..
went back to slp.. woke up at 8pm to watch the Hey! gorgeous. cos my sister was one of those who got the most vote online. thn continus to watch tv and use the comp till now. oh man.. how bored can my life be??! hmm.. tmr is another day of rotting at home.. Damn. kind of sick and tire to ask my fren out. sick of hearing "im meetin my fren out, so sry".
right now im feeling quite moodless..You Are a Realist
You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.
You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...
But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.
You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.
from a little girl =) taken while waiting for bus. BORED. i survived with jus one packet of this the whole day.. CONCLUSION: today i pass by the TPE 4 times. SUNDAY ok.. today SIMPLY NOT MINE DAY!!! arghh.. becos ytd slept at 3am, today almost late for work.. so i chiong out of my hse.. thn i realised i missed my bus. hence i reached there ard 12.10pm . everyone is busying.. same thing, i was left standing at the side and nobody actuali sense my presence!! wth.. thn my boss saw me. guess wad he said?? " i don accept your attire pls go home and change" . OH WELL!! thx alot.. this sentence realli make my day eh??!!!! but ytd i wore a shorts and the other boss said nth.. =( haiz.SUPER sad,tire,angry, pissed,lonely!!oh man.. thn i took 1++hr to travek back home. its like damn irritating can..when i reached home i quickly change and got out of my hse.. decided to take cab down cos its 1.30pm, and my workshop starts at 3pm. guess wat?? i waited 15mins for a cab. -_- i was so desperate tht i almost hail a maxi cab!! wth.. haiz.. got into cab, but its full of the cigerette smell.. DAMN! hate tht la. STINKS!!!!!! jus my luck. =( when i reached there, i was simply frustrated. furthermore, i was told tht today got no workshop. oh thx alot, realli "appreciate" tht alot.. suddenly feel tht i had wasted my time. haiz.. thn i help out at the counter. suddenly the same boss came over to mi, and ask whether i noe wad to do. and i said i noe. thn he ask mi to explain to him wad im doing.. -_- blah blah blah.. thn next he ask mi whether i noe how to promote? and i answered yes cos i did tht ytd.. guess wad? the next moment he asked mi to go promote so tht he can assist mi BLAH BLAH BLAH.. crap! RELUCTANTLY, i drag my foot ard the mall.. i tried my best to approach the parent, and all tht i've got is REJECTION! sadded.. im feeling damn demoralised, so i decided to jus stand one corner all by myself and watch the stage performance. but i wasnt realli enjoying instead i was starring into the blank. thn i was told by my fren tht today got workshop.. starting soon.. YEAH!!~ this realli make my day.. =D haha.. at least better than standing in the mall and get rejected. =) hehe.. thn tis little girl whom i coincidentally taught her twice came again.. =D her presence chase all my anger the music played on the stage by the grp called eucador. xD busy all the way till 6pm.. thn packed up all the stuff.. thn i went back to counter.. guess wad the boss said to mi?? will u be angry with mi? oh well, of cos i say NO! and he continue to blah blah blah and i jus show him a smile.. ok. i noe i sounds petty.. but today im really down on luck can. ard 6.15pm i left the mall and took bus 62 to punggol.. oh well.. bored. thn change to bus 85 to yishun.. =) I WAS LATE for my lesson.. haiyo.. and i pass by TPE 4 times today! -_- the romantic sunset.. it really makes me relax after as series of misfortunate event. see tht big hole there?? it realli hurts.[got it after my ballet lesson becos we were doin pointe]. haiz..
Name: jOcelyn
Skool:pei ying pri,pasir ris pri, loyang sec, tpjc[pae],tp(applied sci skool)
[[`*My Adores]]
basketbal,shoppin.beach;walkin in the RAIN,stars
handfone>DIARY.teddy bear..=)
[[`*Music's Playing]]
[[`*My Lil Thoughts]]
|June 2005|July 2005|August 2005|September 2005|October 2005|November 2005|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|July 2006|August 2006|November 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|June 2007|July 2007|August 2007|September 2007|October 2007|December 2007|February 2008|March 2008|June 2008
[[`*The Lil Conversations]]
[[`*My Test]]
[[`*My Friends]]
|felicia |
|ayu |
|yue feng |
|andrea |
|rizar |
|wan xin|
|si hong|
|chi an|
|07s17[tpjc pae]|
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|siew mai|
[[`*AS Family]]
Free Counter
|korean ost|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|